From Stovetop to Stars: Celebrating Women Who Reach for the Sky

A woman has a caring nature and god creates her to nurture the family. By cooking delicious and nutritious meals, she can perform this duty well.

But is this the only role women have to play in their families? Of course not. Cooking and cleaning are the gender-specific tasks that are assigned to women by societies. 

People think it is a natural thing for all ladies to be at home and cook meals for the entire family as they have to give birth to children and bring them up. So it is a necessary duty that should be performed only by them. For centuries, women have suffered from this stereotype that “Women belong in the kitchen and men belong in the office”.

Today, the scenario has changed. Thanks to technological advancements and many gender equality movements across the world that have broken this stereotype. Even though things are changing, it’s still common in many places for women to do most of the housework and childcare while also working a job.

So, it is a time to cherish the achievements of women and think “What she can do beyond cooking meals?”. Let’s get started.

How Roles Of Women Evolved?

Women’s roles changed a lot over time. At first, everyone worked together to survive. When farming started, some groups had men hunt and fight, while women cared for the home and kids. But this wasn’t always true, as some societies had strong female leaders. Religion also affected roles, with some having strict ideas about women’s roles. For example, women in Hinduism have a strong role of leadership in the form of goddess. 

The Industrial Revolution sent men to factories and women stayed home. In the 1900s, women fought for more rights, like voting and working. Today, women are doing great things in all kinds of jobs, but true equality still needs work.

Achievements Of Women In Different Fields

For too long, society limited women’s contributions to the meals they cooked. But women are doctors, lawyers, artists, athletes, scientists, and entrepreneurs – the list goes on!

Science and Technology: Marie Curie, a pioneer in radioactivity research, became the first person to win two Nobel Prizes.

Social Justice: Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist, bravely fought for girls’ education, inspiring millions.

Business: Indra Nooyi, a former CEO of PepsiCo, shattered glass ceilings and became a role model for aspiring businesswomen.

Arts and Entertainment: From singers like Beyoncé to writers like J.K. Rowling, women are leaving their mark on creative fields.

Sports: Serena Williams, a tennis champion, dominated the court and redefined athletic prowess.

Why Women Are So Resilient?

Research says women are more resilient than men. They live longer than men in severe famines and epidemics. This happens because of biology, environment, and society. Estrogen in women’s brains helps protect them. Also, women are more open about emotions and asking for help. This helps them cope with hard times. So, when things get hard, women do well. They going against stereotypes and doing well despite challenges.

Modern Women Is Creating Wonders In Digital Landscape

Women are changing the story! They’re breaking free from old ideas about what they can do.  This online world becomes their platform to show how smart and determined they are. The internet lets them use their talents for good, like raising awareness about the environment or proving that moms can have great careers too.

Achievement AreaEveryday ExampleImpact
Tech TrailblazersSarah, the App DeveloperLearning to code and creating her own mobile app. She inspires others to explore tech careers.
Content Creators and InfluencersEmily, the Lifestyle BloggerSharing daily life, parenting tips, and DIY projects on Instagram. Her relatable content builds a supportive community.
Entrepreneurs and StartupsMaria, the Etsy Shop OwnerCrafting handmade jewelry and selling it online. Her small business empowers her financially.
Digital ActivismLena, the Climate Change AdvocateUsing social media to raise awareness about environmental issues. Her posts encourage eco-friendly choices.
Navigating Bias and Breaking StereotypesAisha, the Working MomBalancing career and family, challenging the notion that women must choose one over the other.
Empowering OthersRiya, the MentorGuiding young girls in coding clubs, helping them discover their potential. She pays it forward.

5 Ways To Help Women In Your Family

As a working mom, I always feel a shortage of time. Juggling work and family life can be a challenge for many women like me. Here are 10 practical ways to show support and empower the women in your family, whether they’re working moms, stay-at-home moms, or housewives.

1. Respect The Woman and give her space for self-grooming and relaxation.

2. Divide the responsibilities of child with grand parents and elder siblings

3. Identify the talent of your wife if she is a house wife. Encourage her to pursue that as her hobby.

4. Make women digitally literate and confident.

5. Give freedom to your daughters to establish themselves in their respective fields and become financially independent before getting married.


Women are breaking free from old ideas and achieving amazing things! Let’s help the women in our families and cheer them on. Cooking is great and a divine duty but do not limit the ladies to the kitchen. Celebrate feminism!

Written by

Mansi Trivedi

Mansi Trivedi, a life skills coach and content creator with seven years of experience, empowers individuals seeking self-improvement with her engaging lifestyle content. Through her work at, she offers practical advice and guidance on navigating life's challenges. The hobby she enjoys most is reading and writing about personal development topics, whether it's home improvement, self-care or life hacks. She is a strategic thinker as well as a passionate mom full of life experiences.