World Water Day Is Celebrated on March 22

When World Water Day comes, everybody start discussions about saving water. Hardly some people take actions to save it. It is a human tendency that he/she does not value things that are available for free to them. For example air, water, land and sunlight. They are gifts to humankind and we should use and preserve them carefully. In particular, water resources are limited on Earth when we talk about drinking water. Do you have any idea about how much water is on Earth? So let’s take a pledge on this World Water Day and learn something useful that will not only help you but also help future generations.

Science says that about 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with salt water and 96 percent of it is salt water. Therefore, we should think about freshwater resources and their conservation as they are very limited. Today, we will discuss how we impact the environment unknowingly by wasting water resources and also find easy practical steps to save water.

Small Steps To Check Water Wastage at Home

Monitor your water bill
Regularly inspect faucets, pipes, and toilets for leaks.
Aim for shorter showers to conserve water.
Observe outdoor irrigation and ensure sprinklers are not overwatering. Adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions.
Repurpose water after washing or cooking.

How Can We Make a Difference By Individual Efforts in Water Conservation?

It is hard to carry patience when we see our efforts have been wasted. Still, many people take it as a moral responsibility to conserve water resources. The change is not seen overnight. You have to take small steps in day-to-day life to save water. It is not necessary to suffer yourself or make yourself scared of water to save it. You just have to be a little conscious while using water to make a difference. On World Water Day, you can show these efforts to people around you by showing them live or sharing them on social media.

Rainwater Harvesting

rain water harvesting

Install a rain barrel under a downspout to collect rainwater from your roof. Most garden centers sell rain barrels with spigots for easy use.

Use the collected rainwater to water your garden, wash your car, or even flush your toilets (depending on your local regulations).

Tell your neighbours about the benefits of rainwater harvesting! You can inspire them to be more water-conscious too.

5 Ways To Celebrate World Water Day Differently

World Water Day is a great opportunity to raise awareness about water conservation, but you can celebrate beyond the usual! Here are some unique ways to get involved:

Host a Water-Themed Movie Marathon

Gather friends and family for a movie night featuring films that highlight the importance of water. Documentaries about water scarcity or inspirational stories about water conservation efforts can spark conversation and inspire action.

Organize a Water-Efficient Recipe Competition

Challenge your community to a recipe contest focused on delicious meals prepared using minimal water. This can promote plant-based dishes or innovative cooking techniques that reduce water consumption.

Create a Community Art Project

Plan a collaborative art project using recycled materials that reflects the value of water. This could be a mural depicting a healthy water cycle or a sculpture made from plastic bottles, raising awareness about water pollution.

Water Footprint Challenge

Organize a competition within your school, workplace, or community to see who can reduce their water footprint the most throughout World Water Day week. Participants can track their water use for various activities and implement conservation measures to see the impact.

Write Letters to Local Representatives

Encourage others to write letters to local representatives advocating for water conservation policies. This could be promoting rainwater harvesting rebates, stricter water pollution regulations, or investment in water-saving infrastructure.

Arrange a Discussion on World Water Day Quotes

How about hosting a special event for World Water Day? Invite friends, family, or your community to discuss inspiring quotes about saving water. It’s a great way to get people talking, get them excited about preserving water, and maybe even come up with new ideas to help the environment. Women, who often manage water at home, can lead these talks. They bring a different viewpoint and experiences that can spark fresh ideas. Need some quotes by women to kickstart your discussion? Check out our article on Inspirational Quotes by Women.

World Water Day Quotes by Famous People

“Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“The earth, the air, the land, and the water are not an inheritance from our forefathers but on loan from our children. So, we have to hand over to them at least as it was handed over to us.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” save water. – WH Auden
“When the well is dry, we learn the worth of water.” – Benjamin Franklin

Written by

Mansi Trivedi

Mansi Trivedi, a life skills coach and content creator with seven years of experience, empowers individuals seeking self-improvement with her engaging lifestyle content. Through her work at, she offers practical advice and guidance on navigating life's challenges. The hobby she enjoys most is reading and writing about personal development topics, whether it's home improvement, self-care or life hacks. She is a strategic thinker as well as a passionate mom full of life experiences.